As Jesus empowered his disciples to heal, so he empowers us today:
He called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases. And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing. (Luke 9 v1-2)
There are times when we all struggle, emotionally or physically, and this is when we need the healing power of Jesus the most. There is no judgement or embarrassment at this time, just a willingness to pray and ask God for his help.
Nick, the Rector, and a small team are available for healing prayer as requested but generally Wednesday mornings, after the 10am Holy Communion, is when short private healing prayer sessions are held.

I need to be healed but I'm not sure whether I am eligible for Christian Healing.
Do I need to be religious or a church goer to experience healing?
No! Healing comes from God and is dependent on the faith and gifts of the healer and not on the person being healed. You don't need to be a spiritual giant or religious freak but being relaxed and open minded can help the process of healing! Try to have a positive outlook during your healing session but don't worry about feeling gloomy when you come in. Healing is done in a friendly and relaxed environment.
Why is it needed? We have doctors, nurses and medical services to help us.
Healing is not an alternative to medical care. It is complementary to medicine. All healing comes from God, whether through the skills oof medicine, through prayer and sacrament, healing words or touch.
Is this something new?
No. It was the normal practice of the early church and continued through the early centuries. It fell into disuse during Medieval time. Its use was revived by the Church of England in the 19th Century and is now found in most cathedrals and parish churches as well as in many other denominations.
How did it start?
It started with Jesus who healed the sick and suffering. The Church continued his ministry through Communion, prayer, laying on of hands and anointing with Holy Oil blessed by a priest or bishop. The love and care of the Christian community can also help with healing. The Church was responsible for the first hospitals (e.g. St Bartholomew’s London) and still today provides much of the medical care in many undeveloped countries.
What happens during a healing session?
You sit quietly, try to relax in silence or with gentle background music playing. Then two people who are gifted in this area lay hands on your shoulders or the sick part of the body if appropriate! They quietly pray for several minutes or longer. You may experience heat or cold from their hands or tingling sensations—which is usually a sign that something positive is happening. If you don’t experience such things then it doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. Everyone is different! Anything you share about your physical or mental difficulties is treated confidentially since sometimes folk ask for prayer for relationship problems concerning their family or friends. Healing can still work if you don’t share anything at all though!
What are the results?
Recovery from disease may be speeded up. Sometimes people are helped to accept their illness or disability along with a deep sense of peace within. Sometimes God steps in where medical science has exhausted all other healing avenues. God is able to touch the parts the doctors cannot reach! Some people may suddenly feel very emotional during healing. Don’t be embarrassed by this because this can be a sign of a long standing problem rising to the surface. Tears can be a sign of inner healing taking place. We all carry some psychological baggage from the past around with us which may need God’s healing touch. If you feel emotional the healers won’t pry and snoop unless you want to share something. You may want to talk to the clergy alone at a later date due to something that arose in your heart during your healing session. That can easily be arranged. The only ‘side effects’ of healing are positive ones. You may feel sleepy or relaxed!
The authority for healing is in the Bible:
Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise.
Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the Church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.
The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven
. . . . pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.
[NRSV James 5 verses 13-16]
Is there a financial cost for a healing session?
Absolutely not! Some like to make a small donation but this is not expected or required.
Anything else?
If you have any questions about Christian healing please do not hesitate to contact Nick, the Rector. Tel: 01908 612244 / 07769 550204